So, you must must MUST being dying to know all those little details that I've failed to mention in the last few blogs. Detail numero uno: I am awesome. Detail number two: this blog is awesome. Detail number three: only those people who have awesomeness tattooed in their soul will enjoy what I throw down.
Seriously though, I haven't shared some of the most important details.
Detail Number One:
This is my ring. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My ring is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My ring, without me, is useless. Without my ring, I am useless. My ring is white gold with princess cut diamonds. I first came in contact with my ring on the coastal shores of Mendocino.
I gave my ring up shortly after the proposal. It had to have a makeover and get resized. It lost some weight--one ring size to be exact. So, when you see Ryan, be sure to congratulate him for a clean-cut win win choice on an engagement ring. Every day it becomes more and more beautiful. I love it! Thanks RyRy!
Take a look at the ring! Did it blind you? On the first glance the shine may sting your eyes. So here is what you need to do: cup your hands over your eyes. Squint. Slightly open your fingers and take another look! There's my ring! There it is!
Detail Number Two:
This is our venue. There are many like it, but this one is ours. Our venue is our best friend. It is our life. We must master it as we must master our lives. Our venue, without us, is useless. Without our venue, We are useless.
If anyone guessed this serene, peaceful picture for the venue we chose, YOU ARE RIGHT!!! After some deliberation and discussion, Ryan and I decided that we wanted to tie the knot in Calistoga, California! Would you have been able to deduce this information from the picture below? A picture says a thousand words, right? Well, out of everything on the property I took a picture of, why did I choose this?
Are you excited? Because I'm excited. Those rocks and that leaf is excited! The venue is so truly beautiful. We are so blessed to be able to tie the knot in one of the most beautiful places in the world!
Detail Number Three:
So, I've got the ring. We've chosen the venue. So, the next logical step would be that we've set the big day in stone (or rocks as you can see). Right? Woot Woot! After much deliberation, Ryan and I have chosen to tie the knot on October 20, 2012. Only 254 days to go (I only know this because the website I am working on tells me this)! Seems like a whole bunch of days, but the time will come and go before we know it. So, do you know what I'm trying to do right now at this very second? ENJOY the wedding planning process! I promise you, for all of those stressed brides, it can be done! It can be done!

So, as a final thought in connection to my last blurb, I give you the picture of our save the dates! This is the picture of our engagement postcard that Ryan and I are sending to family and friends. I recently ordered them through, and they turned out to be spectacular! Here is an interesting fact about our engagement photo:we didn't hire a professional to take our picture. It was Ryan's sister Heather that took the picture, and it was our friend Kevin that did all of the touchups! For all those brides out there looking for ways to save some money, this would be one quick way to do it!
I look forward to the next stage in the wedding planning process. Let the little details begin!